Pink is a sweet color, very delicate when in light and soft tones, super energetic when in more vibrant tones, such as pink and neon. If you have a pink dress sitting in your closet, it’s time for you to take it for a walk, but with a lot of style, huh? See 5 ways to wear your pink dress based on current trends and make your next fashionista look great!

The little secret to getting out of the fashion comfort zone is to bet on the daring mix of trends and styles. No continuing in the classic modus operandi of fashion, the tip is to allow yourself to experiment, after all, it’s not just now that pink dresses inspire our productions, is it?


You know that very comfy and loose dress of yours? That joker you only saw as a basic piece for the busiest days? Shall we take this piece to a more fashionista level? Include other fashion information in your look, such as western boots and more sophisticated bags. The contrast between styles is beyond the obvious and has a super interesting result. Also, remember that sunglasses are amazing for adding a punch to the look. Count on the hot models of the season, such as the mask type.


The use of a dress over jeans with the hem folded has been emerging for some time abroad. Overlays are stylish – and you can also understand the best way to wear that darling dress of yours, which can be printed, with buttons, slits or other fashion facts, in a different way. Explore the possibilities!


The blazer has an unbeatable footprint that instantly changes the mood of your look, whether to give a more sophisticated and elegant look to the production, or to give a touch of style by breaking paradigms. Sneakers perform very well with dresses, precisely because they are heavier and contrast with the femininity of the piece. A trendy bag makes all the difference in the look and is enough to crown the look.


A very romantic dress, with puffed sleeves, defined waist, pleats and ruffles is essentially girlie, right? The combination with other less predictable elements, such as an oxford-style shoe and an animal print bag, gives a makeover to the look. Mixing is necessary, don’t be afraid to dare!


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Can it shine by day? But of course! That pink dress of yours with a party profile can and should also be incorporated into daytime looks. Bet on more casual accessories, such as a differentiated belt at the time of lashing and other elements with an urban footprint, which bring your production to everyday life. Snake print boots – trend of the time, in stylized colors are super trendy. In addition, the mix of vibrant colors, such as pink and red, is a guarantee of success!

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